Text Magnification
Be kind to your eyes! TypeMetal makes it easy to view and edit your documents using larger type.
Showing Larger Text
To increase text magnification in an HTML file window, WordPress blog window, or WordPress post window:
- Press Command+= or
- Choose View → Show Text Larger from the menus, or
- Click the large “A” in the text magnification control in an HTML window’s toolbar:

This increases the font size that TypeMetal uses to display the file’s content, without making any changes to the file.
If you quit TypeMetal or log out with TypeMetal HTML file windows open, TypeMetal remembers the text magnification you were using, and restores it when reopening those files.
Showing Smaller Text
To decrease text magnification in an HTML window, WordPress blog window, or WordPress post window:
- Press Command+- or
- Choose View → Show Text Smaller from the menus, or
- Click the small “a” in the text magnification control in an HTML window’s toolbar:

This decreases the font size that TypeMetal uses to display the file’s content, without making any changes to the file.
If you like, you can even make the font size smaller than the normal size, so you can see more of your content at once.
Returning to the Normal Font Size
You can easily return to the normal text magnification anytime:
- Press Command+0 (the Command key + the digit zero), or
- Choose View → Show Text Smaller, or
- Click the “0” in the text magnification control in an HTML window’s toolbar:

This restores the normal font size, showing your content with the same default magnification that users viewing your page in a Web browser are likely to see it with.